My story "Adolescence in Iowa & Other Irradiated Hideouts for God and Sex" gets a mention.
Read moreInterview with Spry Lit →
LEXIA--featured in Spry Lit, 2015
With LEXIA, I wanted to give you a snapshot of a car-chase at the edge of the virtual and actual. Something that would come from a poetics of invisible (or maybe, unactualized) things.
Have a look at this interview I did with Lindsey Jane of Spry Lit, dealing with the phenomenology of visual poetry, hybridity + institutionality, and the poetics of catastrophe + the invisible.
Finalist: 2015 Robert Dana Anhinga Prize
A version of my MS with the working title "Desire Will Be the Beginning of US was named one of 10 finalists for this book prize. Thanks, Anhinga press!
Eerie command-tense rich poem makes it to the Semi-finals! →
Check out "Entropy in 1967" in the Tupelo Quarterly #7.