Mapping new and notably risky audio play and fiction podcasts. Infographics.
Read moreSite redesigned. Still needs redesign.
So 10 hours later I’ve debugged and unfucked some of the setting that power this site. This isn’t a real blog post so much as a message to myself for when I come out of this sober blackout. I’d say the site is at least 45% less shameful in terms of usability, 30% less shameful from a UX perspective, 35% from a proofreading POV, and maybe—maybe—10% from a content update standpoint.
It’s been real. Time to put some more recent writing and art on this lovable monster.
MiM has a new logo--thanks to you! →
Results are in. Click the title of this post to see which logo (once we brighten it up, will be the avatar for Miracles in Manhattan (MiM)!
Read moreIntroducing Rogue Signal Studio--and a call for DJs. →
Rogue Signal Studio Inc. is an emergent, creator-driven, story-forward art and podcasting collective with a spirit of resistance, invention and inclusion.